My World of the Paranormal
EVP's (white noise)
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Electronic Voice Phenomenon

Ever wonder what EVP is? If you've ever seen the movie *White Noise* or atleast have heard of it then you have a basic understanding of what EVP is.  EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon, or if you prefer to call it *White Noise*.

White noise happens when you inadvertently (meaning accidentally just in case you were wondering) record a voice or voices on a tape recorder of some kind that wasn't originally heard outloud.

Hopefully we'll have some great examples of EVP's to post soon so check back often.

well I'm not gonna tell you the whole story behind this Song that is posted below.  That will be saved for our Urban Legend web page, so if you want the full scoop on the reason behind the disturbing background content of this song and yes I am posting the entire song instead of just the clip for a reason.  It's simply to build the supense and then leave you morbidly curious as to why it's there.
But If you listen closely to the song, at exactly 2 min 32 sec into the song, you will hear a woman's terrified scream.  Want to know more?  go to and find out the story behind the music.

Rollercoaster of Love
