In some cases I would have to agree that yes, dreams are just mentally discarded images or discarded fragments of
no longer needed information. However, that's not always the case. Sometimes a dream is the only way that the human
mind can adequately process information and the images we see are the bi-product to the information being presented.
Whether that information is a memory from a long forgotten past or something more psychic, one will never truly know for certain
until the dream can be explored.
Scientists say that the human mind can only dream when in the REM state of sleep. REM meaning Rapid Eye Movement,
and that most dreams physically only last for a moment or less but the mind makes the body think the dream is longer than
just that brief moment.
I have personally learned that people who are prone to psychic events will often have some of these events manifest as
a dream because often times that is the only way in which the human subconcious mind can communicate with the concious mind
and actually make the concious mind listen to what the subconcious has to say.
A lot of people who are psychically sensitive don't always realise their sensitivity or are so busy in their waking lives
that they aren't able to hear what their subconcious mind has to say. When they are able to listen or their psyche forces
them to listen to it, they often times become frightened by what is said that they think they have become ill and will seek
professional help. Trust me I'm oneo f many who has done so, until I began to take a better look at what was happening
and accepted it.
Dreams don't always manifest in the sleeping mind though, they can manifest in the waking mind as well. Thats where
the term *daydreaming* got coined I think if memory serves me right atleast. Though sometimes daydreams like sleep induced
dreams are simply useless bits of information being discarded.
Premonitions, post and pre cognition are forms of psychic phenomena that can happen within a dream or in most any other
fashion that is likely to get the human mind to take notice of it and the information it's trying to present. I have
experienced quite a few forms of such phenomena, my most recent having been in a sleeping dream.
In this dream, I was seeing it through the eyes of a surgeon. It was regarding a dear friend of mine and his wife,
who at the time being was pregnant. We were in the operating room and she was having the child prematurely. In
the course of her having the child I told her she was having a boy and that there were some complications, though the baby
would survive, he would have a lifetime of other health complications.
Well oddly enough I had told my friend the next day about the dream, which I had the middle of last week; he had shrugged
off the idea and even laughed about it so I followed suite. storing the information in the back of my mind and thought nothing
more of it till earlier this week when he told me that his wife had went to the university hospital 150 miles away from their
own home and that she was in premature labour. She was 25 weeks along when this occured. This had literally scared
the crap out me because I knew this would happen to her and he had shrugged it off after my telling him it would happen.
Well a couple of days ago, she had reared a beautiful baby boy who weighed in at 1 lb 10 oz. and born 3 months premature.
From experience, most babies born that premature either don;t survive the first few days or if they do survive the first few
days there will be a host of health complications to follow them around for the majority of their life.
Now tell me that isn't a bit creepy, or in the least a bit disturbing? While it has disturbed me to the point of thinking
it was my fault this happened I also realise that it isnt my fault at all. While it had scared me that it had happened I am
glad that so far everything has turned out well for his wife and child and I hope that things continue to go well for them.