This takes place back in the late 60's. When my dad was in the navy he was stationed in California. Well
him and about three other guys decided to go camping at a cabin that one of the other guys family owned. It was
out in the woods around Orange County. Well they were drinking and BBQing and just having fun but about 8:30 pm they were
sitting around the table playing cards and they kept hearing funny noises out side but they all thought that it wasa just
the local wild life so they ignored it and kept playing cards. About half an hour after the noises started something
hit the cabin. It hit it so hard that it knocked things off of the wall that it hit. Well they all got a little freaked by
this and went out to see what it was. Now keep in mind that this is a log cabin and the doors and walls are very think so
what ever hit it had to hit it pretty darn hard and be really darn big. When they went out side to see what it was dad said
that it smelled really bad and there were big foot prints on the ground and where the wall was hit some of the wood had been
torn off. Now the table that they were sitting at was against the back door and the front door is directly accrossed for it.
Well after they saw all of this and they kept hearing somthing moving in the trees around back they all got a little freaked
and decided to go back in to town and call the cops cause they did not have a phone at the cabin. Well when they went back
in to get there stuff somthing hit the back door and it pushed the table half way acrossed the room. Needless to say they
got the hell out of there as fast as they could and as they were leaving they saw somthing run out the front door of the cabin
and back into the woods. Well the next day when they went back (during day light) the back door was completely destroyed and
the inside of the cabin had been torn apart but nothing was gone but what food they had. They never found out what went through
the cabin and my dad said that he was glad that they did not stay around to find out or they may not be here today.
Well I hope that you like it it is true as far as I know. I hope that it is not to long.